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Bright and clean lightroom preset free download

Bright and clean preset is a perfect preset for those who love brightness and shine. Today I am gonna tell how you can download bright and clean lightroom preset free of cost. But before telling process of download, I want to tell about lightroom presets.

Lightroom presets

Lightroom preset is a collection of settings and tools which can be applicable to any other pictures. Whenever you want to edit your beautiful captured picture you can install these presets in Lightroom and apply on your captured pictures.

There are two type of presets.

1) dng preset

2) xmp preset

Dng and xmp both are amazing formate of preset. They are best in their own way of application.

By the way you will get dng formate of bright and clean lightroom preset here.

Bright and clean lightroom preset

Bright and clean lightroom preset is a type of preset which is applicable on every type of pictures. If your captured picture is outdoor or indoor you can use this preset.

But your picture must be portrait picture. Also I recommend if your picture is captured by dslr camera then result become shining. But if your pictures are clicked by mobile phone then still it will work outstanding.

Bright and clear preset is totally shining preset. You can adjust it’s brightness by lightroom.

Which type of pictures require for lightroom presets?

If you want to use lightroom presets on your picture. You can use any picture. It depends on the type of preset you are applying. Choose right preset for right picture. That’s it.

By the way if your picture is captured in normal mode. Still you can use preset. But if your picture is captured under some cool background, with perfect lighting then preset will work better. So try to capture good pictures.

Preview of bright and clear lightroom preset

Here is a sample of preset. Move slider to see before and after of preset.

Bright and clean lightroom preset previewBright and clean lightroom preset free

Download bright and clean lightroom preset free

Download process of this preset is as easy as abc. You have click on a button and this preset will be yours.

Below this section you will see a download button.

Click on that download button.

Now, you will see a pop up with countdown timer. Wait for end of that.

After ending of timer you will see again a download button.

Click on that Download file button, preset will start downloading automatically.

Download button

You have downloaded preset. It’s time to apply preset on your picture. So how will you do that?

Apply preset on your captured pictures.

After downloading preset. Open your lightroom mobile or desktop lightroom.

Share preset as well as your captured picture in lightroom.

Open preset in lightroom in editing mode (just like we edit picture in lightroom, we have all access to tools and setting)

At the top of right corner you will see three dot, click on that

You will see an option named Copy Settings there. Click there and copy all settings of preset.

Now, open your picture in lightroom in editing mode.

Again click on three dot and this time you will see an option named Paste settings. Click on that and boom preset applied successfully.


You can download bright and clean lightroom preset free of cost, simply click on download button.

Then you will see a pop up with countdown time. Wait for end of that timer. You will again see a download button named as Download file. Click on that and preset will start downloading automatically.

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